Sunday, November 9, 2008

Auto Blog Reaction # 3

Searching the blogs some more I realized that I have made a mistake. There are acctually tons of comments on each article and even answers and replys to the ones that I have made. I am not even really sure how I made this mistake but I am happy I discovered it shortly after I posted about it. The comments that I do see are usually short and nothing too drastic in lenght. Mostly talking about the looks and like of the car. I have not seen too much confrontation yet either. I think I will have to try and manipulate some into it to make it a little more fun for my paper. Still a key problem is going to be identity. It is a main issue because no one knows who you are. I made my username Scott and all i needed was an email adress to sign up. Your email adress is never seen by anyone that I know of. This being said, making any user name you want leads me to to a false sence of security. I do not know who these people are and do not know if I can trust what they say with out further research.

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